

(To friends...kepada yang aku terhilang link dlm bloglist plz bagitau ek!!)

Assalamualaikum wbt.....wah...bersawang dan bersemak sangat dah blog aku nih....rase macam dah setahun tak berhapdate!!!
Oklah...just wanna share ape yang aku wat utk recover...cewahhh!!! so posting gegatal nih layan je arr ek.....

1st- Sleep/ Tidor ar… ape lagi!

Physiologically sleeping will initiate hormones that enhance releasing of neurotransmitter to cause relaxing effect of tissues and muscles system. Sleeping will also results in the “happy feeling” hormone (serotonin) releasing. But Of course, overslept will cause condition of so called muscle pain as desensitization occurs.

Secara mantik dan logiknye, kalau kite tido…kite tak perlu nak berpikir memacam…so its like a way of abandoning all problem behind!!! Then bile bangun wat macam “a new day has come” dan lupekan je semua yang tak best tu….kalo boleh arr…aku pon amik masa gak ni!!!

*Pics lame dow!!*

2nd – Social Activites / Beraksi dengan pelbagai aktiviti social

As long as we join the community with many activities, surely all problems will be forgotten. Well, during our busy times with friends and family we don’t have much time to think or remember all those sad things!!!

Dalam bahasa mudahnya, kite boleh arr wat aktiviti yang kite suka je… contohnya g tengok wayang, g karaoke, g main bowling dan memacam lagik…kalo korang tak kisah, time korang wat aktiviti tu, korang wat bebetol…contohnya baling bola bowling kekuat sampai berbunyi lane korang…gelak kekuat time tgk wayang (kalo citer kelakar arr…kalo sedih nangih esak2..huh..)… dan nyanyi ala2 artis time karaoke..kalo x malu ko menari sekali!!! Hik…
*main ngan anak buah....nani sayang!!*

*karaoke ngan awekzzz+ awekz orang*
3rd- Eat/ Makan

I’m sure eating more is one method applied by many people to reduce the pain (sadness)… yes it helps a lot!!! Chocolate, ice cream and other sweets will of course be medicine during our cloudy moments…(not suggested to those with diabetic).. eating other foods that we love will also a kind of revenge….ermmm…kind of!!

Kalau korang tak caye….korang tengok orang yang peras menonggeng…selalunya lepas putus cinta mesti gemok….(ade gak yang kurus…x selera makan katenye…huh)….bagi aku, makan memang menolong…badan aku sekarang pon dah naik…boncit…hehhehe…(sape yang kurus sbb x nak makan tu…macam bodow je, wat pe pakse diri dengan menahan lapar..)…Makan je semua mende yang ko nak makan….selagi x membahayakan kesihatan!!! (pic makanan)

*penamak dohhh!!!*
4th – Join the community / Bergaul mesra

Let see…if you sit alone at home do nothing; the best result that we can gain is the loneliness. So, let’s mingle around!!

Aku cadangkan, korang pergi je memane kenduri yang dijempot tu….open house ke….selain dapat bergaul mesra….heheh..korang gak dapat makan….

*open house umah zaimi*

*open house umah bee*

5th- Outing and shopping/ Berpeleseran dan berboros!!!

Take time to pamper yourself to the spa, gym, beach, recreational park, zoo or any other places that will make us happy…and say yes to shopping!!! Buy something that you really love…

Sepanjang tempoh recover ni, memang banyak tempat menjadik pilihan….ke serata Malaysia kite boleh berjalan (bukan jalan kaki…)….seronot sangat…dan belilah mende yang boleh wat kite happy….(so, time jenjalan dan bershopping tu, nak ke korang menangis kat khalayak ramai..?? tak kan?!!)….so just grabs your wallet, and chill out!!!
*berpeleseran kat klia...hantar student aku fly ke Middle East*

*berboros sket...CJ7 Baru beli...bley plok!!*
p/s: aku dah okey....erm....korang dah ke??? erm.....jap nak tarik napas jap!!!

3 Komen Bernas dan Pedas!!:

Zunaidi Dali Great Eastern said...

satu lagi...

have sex/make love/masturbate..


^BeN!B3@R^ said...

bab mkn 2 stuju giler...
tmbh2 klau jumper mknn yg enak2 bgt..

@tune® said...

aiseh..gempak abes layout ko nih..
tp kalau hapdetnye 4thn skali..serupa xyah ade layout gempak!kekeke

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